- Please tell us your name and what you do here at Equaleyes?
My name is Žan, and I’m a mobile developer at Equaleyes.
- What do you like to do for fun?
Cycling, reading, programming and solving hard problems 🙂
- What’s your earliest childhood memory?
I was two or three years old, my parents were going to work in the same car, my father drove to his work, and then my mom took me to the kindergarten. It’s really about 2-3 minutes, no idea why I remembered that.
- What is the best piece of advice your mom or dad gave you?
I guess it’d translate best to something like: “Get it before you need it.” It can be applied to so many things.
- Who do you admire right now and why?
I’d say Elon Musk. He brought us PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX and much more, he didn’t give up when he faced all kinds of trouble.
- What things do you not like to do?
Mindless repetitive tasks. Not only is it boring, but you also can’t learn anything new either.
- Everyone has a good app idea. What’s yours?
Something to completely replace password and usernames, but in a secure way.
- If you were a character from Game Of Thrones who would you be and why?
I found Petyr Baelish to be interesting. He was practically leading everything from the background.
- What do you think robots dream about?
*Bender’s voice*: Kill all humans
- Imagine you were the CEO of a company… What would you make compulsory in the office and what would you definitely ban in the office?
I don’t think I’d make anything compulsory; people start to hate the things they *have* to do. I’d ban meetings that could be replaced by one or two lines in a group email.
- If you could pick up a new skill in an instant what would it be?
I guess low-level stuff, like kernel and driver development.
Cheese or Chocolate?
Coffee or Tea?
Running or walking?
Numbers or Letters?
Beatles or Stones?
Harry Potter or LOTR?
Cats or Dogs?
Become the king of the world or the president of the world?
Depends on the situation
Sink or Swim?
Play music or Listen to music?
Definitely listen
Bite your tongue or kick your little toe?
Kick the little toe, at least you can still eat 😉
Fight or Flight?
Jobs or Woz?
Sharks or Dolphins?
Pizza or Pasta?
Ibiza or Iceland?
Hot or Cold?
Books or Movies?